Lou Stefanski Foundation

Continuing to make a positive impact in memory of Lou

About Lou Stefanski and the LSF 501 (c) (3)

The LSF is a non-profit organization with IRC 501 (c) (3) status from the IRS.  Donors can deduct contributions they make to the LSF under IRC Section 170.  The EIN for the Lou Stefanski Foundation, Inc. is 81-3788401.  Approval from IRS.  

The LSF runs an annual golf tournament at Great Neck Country Club in honor of Lou Stefanski, to keep the memory of his alive. LSF then donates the proceeds of the benefit to local individuals as scholarships to further their education.  The LSF’s operated charity events will collect a combination of charitable contributions and donations, as well as registration fees to donate scholarships to qualified individuals for education.

Lou Stefanski was a 1979 graduate of Stonington High School.  He was a tremendous athlete who excelled at football, basketball and golf and is a member of the Stonington High School Athletic Hall of Fame.  Lou will be remembered for being a devoted husband, father, grandfather and most importantly, a wonderful person.  

Despite all of his athletic accomplishments, Lou had a quiet, unassuming personality and always conducted himself with extreme humility and politeness.  Lou was also an accomplished artist and guitar player, both of which were self-taught. 

Lou most enjoyed giving back to others what he learned thorough his life experiences.  He loved teaching golf, coaching softball and was a very thoughtful person who gave much of himself expecting nothing in return.  One former teammate of Lou’s in high school summed up what everyone thought of Lou, “In times of stress or anxiety, everyone knew it would turn out OK because we had Lou on our side”.